I’m Cyrus

A Digital Marketer

My Services


SEO & SEM Strategy

I provide niche-specific customer targeting strategy for my clients. I utilize years of expertise and research to help your brand grow.

UI/UX Design & Content

Need UI/UX design? Looking to update your content? I can provide design and copy to meet client needs.


B2B & D2C Copywriting

I am well versed in creating copy for your B2B needs as well as communicating directly to your customers.



I have over 8 years of creating copy and marketing collateral used to support sales of your product or services.

Social Media

I can provide social profile audits, branding, messaging, and education for your social profiles.


Short & Long Form Content

I have created hundreds of short and long form content pieces that drive organic traffic and create conversion for businesses.


Corporate Blogging

I write blogs for businesses to increase engagement, create organic growth, and focus directly on a data-driven approach.

Marketing Strategy

I have 6 years of enterprise marketing experience and can help you put together campaigns as well as strategy for product launches, branding, and sales growth.


Op-Ed & Thought Leadership

Many of my clients have utilized my skills in copywriting to develop thought leadership or editorials within their industry. 

Omni-Channel Content

If your organization has multiple channels that need content strategy or development I can help your business reach more customers organically.

Product Display Pages

I can craft enterprise-level product display pages from concepting, design, to content. If you have the product, I can help you sell it.

Web Development

Did I mention that I am full stack web developer? I am a certified MERN stack developer and can help you build your E-Commerce site, business site, or landing pages. 

Check Out Some of My Work

I’ve written a lot over my career! Here are some of the blogs (long-form & short-form) I’ve written for my clients.

How Can I Exercise When I’m Stuck at Home?

There are actually many great (and free!) options to help keep you moving even if you can’t play team sports, join a group exercise class, or head to the gym right now. Learn about some amazing workouts to try while you’re at home.

6 Ways to Improve Mood with CBD

Even if your routine is not your usual one, it’s important to have some expectations for yourself every day. Simple things like: Walk the dog. Eat. Take your vitamins and CBD. Bathe. Change your clothes. Meditate. Move your body. Checking off even tiny goals like this can feel quite empowering. It is nice to have to hold yourself accountable for something, even if it’s less than you used to accomplish in the first hour of your day.

What is CBD, exactly?

We’re the first to admit that CBD has become a wellness buzzword lately. You may be wondering, “What is CBD exactly? Can it really help people?” And most importantly, “What can CBD do for me?Maybe you already know about – or even use – CBD, but would like some help explaining it to friends or family. Please share this blog post with them!

What is Full-Spectrum CBD?

Trending across the globe with incredible velocity, CBD products have become very popular. This article will help to explain some of the core distinctions between CBD products and how to know what to look for.

How to Select the Right Product Form

Hemp CBD products, like all wellness products, come in many different forms. From inhalation to topicals to ingestion as food, pills or capsules, CBD can be delivered to the nervous system any way you like.

All About Terpenes: CBD & Terpenes Explained

As hemp becomes more mainstream, a word like “terpenes” may be on your radar. You may have even heard it here, because the products we sell always provide full-spectrum CBD products loaded with specialized terpenes. 

CBD & Pain Management for Athletes

Being an athlete is about perseverance and overcoming struggle. But one of the largest struggles for any athlete or active person, whether amateur or professional, is dealing with pain. Playing sports makes us all susceptible to muscle soreness, inflammation, and aches—but there’s something you can do to make it easier. Most people who play sports tend to turn to over-the-counter meds or even painkillers. But many athletes and active people are searching for a cleaner and more natural method for relief. Enter Cannabidiol (CBD). CBD is the non-psychoactive component of hemp, the new and rising trend among professional and amateur athletes alike.

How to Choose the Right CBD Product

The CBD industry has grown so much in the last couple of years that there are numerous products for people to choose from for their health and wellness. But with so many options, it can be overwhelming to figure out how to choose the right product for your needs. Each one of us is unique and is trying to solve specific needs. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution to CBD wellness.

What is CBD? Why is it Important?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a powerful compound that’s found in the leaves and flowers of Cannabis Sativa. This plant – which includes both hemp and marijuana – has a rich history as medicine going as far back as the pre-neolithic period (about 14,000 years!) More recently, it has stormed the cultural stage, re-taking its rightful place in the pharmacopeia of herbal remedies.

How to Choose the Right Cannabis Product

Each one of us is unique and are trying to solve specific needs. There isn’t a one-size-fits all solution to cannabis wellness. But it is important to choose a high quality product that has a proven record for efficacy. Hopefully this article can help you determine what cannabis product to get.

5 Myths About Cannabis Debunked

The United States has a long and problematic history with the cannabis plant. As far back as the colonial era, American production of hemp was not only encouraged by the government, but was prominently grown by several of the founding fathers (Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George Washington to name a few).

6 Reasons to Use Cannabis Topicals for Workout Recovery

So you’ve just maxed out those squats or finished a forty-minute intensive on the treadmill and you are sore, sweaty, and tired. Now what? Beyond pounding some water and hitting the showers there’s another thing you can do: use a cannabis topical! Having a solid recovery routine (or even day-to-day) where you focus on relaxing, letting your body rest and recover, and supplementing your needs is vital to optimal health and wellness.

Why You Should Pair Cannabis Oil With Your Yoga Practice

A cannabis tincture is a great product to add to your yoga routine. For those of you who enjoy a  restorative flow or gentle yoga class, tinctures can enhance your experience on the mat. Cannabis oil can also be great if you use it before a faster pace vinyasa flow class. The primary benefit is for those, like me, whose mind likes to wander during class.

Interested in Seeing More?

Check out my portfolio to see extensive examples of work I’ve created during my career.

About Me

I am an Iranian-American poet, professional copywriter, & web developer. I bring my passion and 10+ years of expertise to help brands take their business to a new level. I am experienced in omni-channel marketing, various copywriting styles, and many web technologies. Contact me today to find out how I can help grow your brand!

Curious What I Can Do For You?

Reach out today and let’s chat about your marketing needs.